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Invitation to Alohomora 2021


Greetings from RECursion!

Hope you are coding well. Despite the lockdown, RECursion has always been able to thrill the audience with new contests, new questions and so much more. We have always promoted the participants into learning something more. Offline before and Online now, we will always continue to keep the show going.

With the same enthusiasm and excitement, we are back with our flagship event - Alohomora, an ACM-ICPC style competitive programming contest, where teams from all over the world will be battling against each other to come out at the top and be the best. So mark your calendars as the day comes closer and closer and make sure that you don't miss out on this great opportunity to find out where you stand in the world. And with ACM-ICPC closing in it would most certainly be a nice practice.

Participants need to register themselves in teams of 3.

Date: 11th June 2021
Time: 9:30 PM - 12:00AM
Link: https://www.codechef.com/ALOH2021

Cash Prizes worth ₹5K and ₹3K for Top 2 Performing Teams
Cash Prize worth ₹2K for Top Performing Indian Team
250 CodeChef Laddus for Top 3 Performing Teams

Exciting Goodies from Digital Ocean for Top 3 Performing Teams from NIT Durgapur
100 CodeChef Laddus for Top Performing Team from NIT Durgapur

Certificates and Coupons worth ₹10K from AlgoZenith for all Top Performing Teams

For further information, contact:
Nikhil Vashistha: +91 9835274836
Anupam Singh: +91 7054394459

Happy Coding 😊


Posted by: anujpatel181299 on June 9, 2021, 10:18 p.m. Last updated on June 9, 2021, 10:18 p.m.

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Instruction to write good blog
  1. 1. Write a title that summarizes the blog
  2. 2. Pretend you're talking to a busy colleague
  3. 3. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are important!

Bad: Python language
Good: Why Python is one of the most used Programming Language?
Bad: Competitive Programming
Good: What are some good blogs for learning algorithms and competitive programming techniques?
Bad: Python vs R
Good: What are the major differences between Python and R for data science?

Refer to Blogging.com guide on asking a good blog.