Online Assessment
This was the first round in which 4 coding questions were asked. The questions were on Medium-hard level. Topics were:
- Tree
2. Implementation Based Question
3. Offline Algorithm
4. DPOn 28th August, around 30 students were shortlisted for an interview which was scheduled for the next day.
Technical Interview 1 (25-35 minutes) :
The interviewer first introduced himself and asked for my introduction. After that, He asked about my project and how i have contributed to the team, as he was not familiar with the tech stack, he asked some general question like why this, what are the other options and said to describe briefly and some cross questions. Then he asked me about my SGPA and CGPA and what I have learned throughout my academics and subjects that I am really interested in. He asked me about sharing an experience where your team has achieved what it intended to and what problem you have faced. He was more focused on the non-technical skills and continuously asking about teamwork. Later he asked about ICPC as it was there in the resume and ended with a puzzle:
Find The Fastest 3 Horses..Technical Interview 2 (120-130 minutes):
Around 3.30 pm on that day I got mail for the next round. Interviewer was a little late and quite frank and asked about how my last round went and asked for an introduction. She started asking about the project and it went on for 30-40 minutes where she was really interested to know how we were really solving the problem. Some of the basic questions she asked were : what techstack, alternatives, Role in the group, almost how we have implemented all the features, about the data encryption, security, authentication, Scalability, database (Firebase). She asked every possible aspect of the project very deeply and gave some suggestions too.
Thereafter, She asked me to open a codepair link and gave me 2 SQL questions:
1. Second Highest Salary
2. Using Inner Join , group by, order by and Aggregate function.
After that some questions on DBMS(SQL vs NOSQL).
Then She shifted to DSA and asked the platforms i have used for coding and gave me a question:
Count Vowel Substrings of a String
We discussed a lot of approaches from brute force to optimize it fully. Later, She asked if I had any questions..HR Interview (30 minutes):
This round follows by:
- Introduction
- question on Github (git commit vs git push)
- Team Collaboration, How much you contributed, what leadership mean to you.
- Share experience where your team underperformed and overperformed and how you manage dispute within the team
- What is Your Goal in life and who is your inspiration.
- followed by a Puzzle Growing Water LillyTotal 8 students were selected and I was among them.
Tips :-
1. Try to explain your ideas to your interviewer while coding a question.
2. Try reaching out to your interviewer if you get stuck, don't sit silent. Try to interact with the interviewer as much as you can.
3. Try to cover academic subjects like DSA, OS, OOPS, DBMS and CN as these subjects are important from an interview perspective.
  ImRick edited this page on Sept. 17, 2023, 5:18 p.m. Approved