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Runtime Error

Why is my code having a runtime error? The question is https://www.codechef.com/problems/CLEANUP and my code is https://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/30697756. Why am I getting runtime error??

Asked by: harsh002jha on March 24, 2020, 2:07 a.m. Last updated on March 24, 2020, 2:07 a.m.

look at line 14 and 15 of your solution

It may occour that p>m and array index range is<m so runtime error will occour as you are accessing out of the array

sharshach last updated on March 28, 2020, 11:22 a.m.

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1 Answer(s)


Look at line 9 of your solution. Declaring B[m] will give you runtime error in cases where m<n/2

In if else statement(line 23 and 31) value of c can be greater than m

Anonymous last updated on March 29, 2020, 8:05 p.m. 0    Reply    Upvote   

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