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Codechef AMR14c

Please explain the O(m+n) approach of this editorial https://discuss.codechef.com/questions/61687/amr14c-editorial.

Asked by: Raghav_Grover on April 7, 2019, 6:34 p.m. Last updated on April 7, 2019, 6:34 p.m.

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Its brute force solution of O(n^2) is quite clear. Here we check the condition for each pair of number in array.
The  naive solution would be:

long long int answer = 0;  
    for(int i =0 ; i < N ; i++)
        for(int j = 0 ; i< N ; j++)
            if( (A[i] + A[j] <= x)

However, this solution will result in TLE verdict.

Better Approach

We are required to find all such pairs (A[i],A[j]) in A[] such that A[i]+A[j]<=X

First recall the property of modulo:
(a + b)%m = (a%m + b%m)%m
Using the value of a%m and b%m instead of a and b respectively will produce same result.

Thus, if our array contains A[i]%M, there will not be any change in result. For eg., if inputs are like
6 10 8
3 8 23 5 33 15

Array A = {3,8,3,5,3,5}

As we can see that
A[i]<M,  so
A[i]+A[j]<2*M,    where(A[i] and A[j] are any two elements of A)

This range could be divided into four regions:
0<=region1<=x, x<region2<M, M<=region3<=M+x, M+x<region4<2*M

It could be seen that if our sum lies in region1 or region3, sum%M<=x

Here, cases which may arise are:

Case 1: A[i]<=x
Here for each A[i], valid A[j] could lie in region1 or region3.
Valid range of A[j]:
For region1, 0 <= A[j] <= x-A[i]
For region3, (M-A[i]) <= A[j] <= (M-1)

Case 2: A[i]>x
Here, for each A[i], valid A[j] could only lie in region3
Valid range of A[j]:
For region3, (M-A[i]) <= A[j] <= (M+x-A[i])

Therefore, the problem reduces to find the count of A[j] which lies in certain countinous range. To do this, we make another array B whose size is equal to M and ith index stores the number of i in array A[].  Thus, B = {0,0,0,3,0,2,0,0,1,0} (as per example given above)
And let another array C store prefix sum of B,i.e.
C = {0,0,0,3,3,5,5,5,6,6}

Now, count of numbers whose value lies in range say r1 to r2 will be C[r2]-C[r1-1](when r1=0 the ans will only be C[r2]).

Hope this clears your doubt!!


ROMIT_KUMAR last updated on April 7, 2019, 6:34 p.m. 0    Reply    Upvote   

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